Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore"

For those of you who are wondering how Bruce is faring in this transition, he has quoted Dorothy from the Land of Oz as she looks in wonderment at a strange land of Living Color.  Leaving his homogeneous collection of Iowa work comrades, Bruce has entered an international world and there's a bit of culture shock that comes with it.

His boss is French, whose boss is German.  On his team are folks from England, Canada, Japan, and India. Gone is his office with a door, and "hello bullpen interaction and collaboration." No more piles of paper and stacks of files - everything is spotless at quitting time. Bruce is entering his 3rd day now, and starting to get his sea legs. He is gaining an ear for the new accents (we have yet to meet a native Tennessean) and doesn't need the GPS to get to work. He knows the first-30-days-plan and is looking forward to moving into it.

It's a brand new world, baby, and he's embracing it!


  1. Just remember to compliment SEC football, sweet tea, and sit on your front porch and watch the sun set.

  2. Man, would I love an international setting like that! Any Italians in the bunch? Probably not....they are not organized enough to do your kind of work!
    Bruce M.
